Care South Awards Grant To The Youth Theatre Accessibility Fund

BIGLITTLE Theatre School is delighted to be awarded a grant from Care South as part of the Care South Chairman’s 2020 Fund.

The collaboration between BIGLITTLE Theatre School and Care South marks a significant moment in the world of theatre accessibility, and BIGLITTLE Theatre School is deeply grateful for the support it has received, looks forward to building the relationship and bringing joy to the residents with a special visit and an exclusive performance.

Care South is a leading provider of care homes and care-at-home services across the south of England and shares a common vision with BIGLITTLE Theatre School – to make the joy of theatre inclusive and accessible to all, regardless of age.

BIGLITTLE Theatre School’s mission is to make performance arts training accessible to all young people and with Care South’s generous support, this mission is being realised in a more significant way.

The Care South Chairman’s 2020 Fund, was initiated to support organisations that bring value and enrichment to Care South’s residents, care-at-home clients, and staff, exemplifying Care South’s dedication to fostering meaningful connections within the community. This collaboration with BIGLITTLE Theatre School is a testament to Care South’s belief in the power of the arts to inspire, uplift, and create lasting memories.

Care South, with its network of 15 care homes across the south of England, 5 retirement villages, and 4 care at-home offices, continues to be a beacon of compassionate care and community engagement.

Find out more about Care South here.