Supporting BIGLITTLE Theatre School Made Easy with

At BIGLITTLE Theatre School, we believe in providing exceptional performing arts education to our students.

To further enhance their experiences and create more opportunities, we have partnered with, a leading online fundraising platform. This collaboration allows parents to effortlessly support our school while shopping online. By signing up with, parents can raise funds for BIGLITTLE Theatre School without spending any extra money. It's a win-win situation that benefits both parents and our students.

Effortless Fundraising

Signing up for is a simple process that takes just a few minutes. Once parents create an account and select BIGLITTLE Theatre School as their cause, every online purchase they make through the platform's participating retailers will automatically contribute to our fundraising efforts. It requires minimal effort on their part while generating essential funds for our school.

No Extra Cost

The best part about supporting BIGLITTLE Theatre School through is that it doesn't cost parents anything extra. The donations are generated from the retailer's side, with a small percentage of the purchase price redirected to our school. Parents can shop for their everyday needs or special occasions, knowing that a portion of their spending will support our programs.

Wide Range of Retailers offers a vast network of over 7000 retailers, covering a wide range of categories. From clothing and electronics to travel and groceries, parents can support our school while shopping for their favorite brands and products. Whether they need to stock up on household items or plan a family vacation, every purchase can contribute to our fundraising goals.

Collective Impact

When parents, family members, and friends sign up and support BIGLITTLE Theatre School through, the collective impact can be significant. By encouraging more people to participate, we can raise more funds to enrich our students' performing arts education. Together, we can create a lasting impact and provide even greater opportunities for aspiring performers.


At BIGLITTLE Theatre School, we are excited about our partnership with It offers a simple and effective way for parents to support our school while shopping online. By signing up for free and selecting BIGLITTLE Theatre School as their chosen cause, parents can effortlessly contribute to our programs without any additional cost. The funds raised through will be utilised to provide scholarships, organize workshops and performances, and improve our facilities. We encourage all parents to visit the Easyfundraising website, sign up, and support BIGLITTLE Theatre School. 

Together, we can make a difference in our students’ lives and nurture their passion for the performing arts.

Sign up for an account here: